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Age Up! BY 𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐒 ON Jun 18, 2024 13:35:29 GMT

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High Ranks Available! BY viv ON May 29, 2024 13:47:01 GMT

This is where you can find all the lore and background surrounding FiveClans.

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FiveClans Copyright Violation BY Riley ON Jul 25, 2024 5:52:05 GMT

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Character's quills BY ancientquills ON Jun 14, 2024 2:52:57 GMT

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DYWTYLM - a london-based city RP BY Moriarty ON Jul 26, 2024 16:29:46 GMT

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Chantara [Chanté] BY viv ON Jul 23, 2024 0:01:14 GMT

Make your characters here! Code given is optional. So long as you give the information that's on there.

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ThunderClan BY ʙᴇᴇ ON Jan 31, 2024 2:49:04 GMT

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The Ancient Orphanage BY ancientquills ON Jun 15, 2024 23:47:19 GMT

Where members can make plotters for their characters and put important characters up for adoption!

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viv's bucket BY viv ON Jun 11, 2024 17:07:58 GMT

Where members can keep track of their characters however much they wish.


viv Avatar
sent from seafoam BY viv ON Jun 15, 2024 18:05:21 GMT

Hidden within the depths of the Long Grass which covers the vast majority of the territory of RiverClan, lies the Grasszone. The Grasszone is a fallen clearing in the middle of the grass, where boulders, brambles, and ferns have been pushed to create a lovely and comfortable little camp. The clearing has soft moss and sand covering the base of the ground, providing a soft floor for the camp.

Silk Avatar
[Moon 216] Washed Ashore (Open) BY Silk ON Jun 8, 2024 16:31:30 GMT

The river is not similar to the old river that the clan once lived beside. This river is soft and gentle, only ever raging when the leafbare snows melt. The soft-flowing river flows into the ocean just north of Riverclan’s territory, where soft sand beaches are found. Sea-faring animals can be found along these beaches and the river’s mouth, where Riverclan has now begun adapting to the salty-tasting air.


The Long Grass takes up a good chunk of RiverClan’s territory before flowing naturally into a more open moorland. The Long Grass is home to a vast majority of critters that use it as shelter, but one must be extra careful about where they walk as predators do lurk in the grass during the colder seasons. The Long Grass has many large rocks that poke out of the ground and above the Grass line, and provide a good sunning spot or even an advantage point. The Long Grass stops near the beaches.

chaoticcrow Avatar
Pickin Wildflowers BY chaoticcrow ON Jun 5, 2024 22:21:34 GMT

The Flower Field is a mixture of pretty flowers and herbs. This field is vast near the border with WindClan and has sparked many fights with the clan in recent moons over who should have access to such a plentiful herb patch. The Flower Field is guarded closely by RiverClan and it would be one resource that they would fight to the death for. Be wary of where you step, garden snakes tend to burrow here.


viv Avatar
there's another light BY viv ON Jul 24, 2024 2:48:53 GMT

Hidden near the river that flows from the ocean, ShadowClan has made their ideal home here. The camp was once an open clearing but has now been transformed by the hardy felines. ShadowClan cats have pushed rocks and moved brambles and ferns to craft a camp unlike any other. The almost perfect circle of Pine Trees is the only thing that naturally grew in this location, but ShadowClan prides itself on being resourceful and crafty.


The clearing is open moorland that spills down from RiverClan’s territory. It is a portion of the territory that lies between the dense woodlands and the Five Maples where the gatherings are held. The clan tends to hunt in this area more so under the fall of night to not be as exposed to flying predators.

❥ dreamy Avatar
paint your palette blue and grey BY ❥ dreamy ON Jun 18, 2024 15:08:50 GMT

The dense forest seems to always have a slight haze over the ground, causing a softly wet feeling, something that many Shadowclanner’s have grown used to. Between the growing tree roots, flowers blossom and it makes for a beautiful unique setting. Trees tower high here, between the pines and oaks, but none as tall as their neighboring clan’s trees. ShadowClan tends to hunt mostly in the forest, enjoying the darkness the coverage provides.

namarie Avatar
The Never Ending Night BY namarie ON Jun 6, 2024 3:41:34 GMT

The Swamp is a small marshy area just near the border with WindClan that provides the riches food all year around for ShadowClan. Once held by WindClan, ShadowClan has since fought and won the territory back for their own. Predators of all kinds can be found in the murky waters of the swamp, so only the most skilled are allowed to hunt here.


Riley Avatar
Turning over Leaves BY Riley ON Jul 24, 2024 1:31:41 GMT

A wide chasm that is lined by steep walls, with ledges and caves that form the dens of the clan's camp. The Gorge as it's most commonly known, was the main location of SkyClan for generations before they expanded south to meet the other clan's territories. The camp has since flourished in time, with Skyclanner's help in adding foliage and flowers to make the camp feel more like home.

chaoticcrow Avatar
Familial Rites[C] BY chaoticcrow ON Jun 5, 2024 22:02:09 GMT

The Whispering Woods is the bulk of SkyClan's territory. Large trees of all kinds tower above their heads, with branches that scale from only a few feet off the ground, to over a fox length above. The whispering woods earned its name for the sounds within when the wind blows and the soft whispers of it seem to create noises or voices of their lost loved ones.


The Meadow is a small clearing filled with flowers and herbs of all kinds. It has a romantic setting to it, and many tend to bring their lovers to this location to watch the stars. While it does have its purpose of growing some herbs, many find it to be of more use for enjoying stargazing.

chaoticcrow Avatar
I want to be like you BY chaoticcrow ON Jun 6, 2024 1:02:49 GMT

The Tall Grass is an extension of RiverClan's Long Grass, however, as the grass nears the border with SkyClan it seems to tower over it's lower region counter parts. The Tall Grass might be a smaller location, but it holds a plentiful amount of food and seems to barely be touched during the leafbare moons. Predators do tend to lurk, so be wary when you enter.


viv Avatar
wake up it's dawn! BY viv ON May 23, 2024 6:07:38 GMT

The Forgotten Grove is where ThunderClan found their home. The dip into the ground, surrounded by brambles, ferns, and bracken was all they needed to remember their former forest camp. Two large boulders connect above the center of the camp forming an archway that the leader sits upon. On either side, the leader's den and medicine cat's den can be located.

chaoticcrow Avatar

The largest tree in the forest, ThunderClan cats could climb to the very top and oversee all of the territories if they so wished too. But none have climbed that fair yet - as the winds are horrific the higher they go. It is forbidden for anyone to go just above the normal tree line as many have died from falling due to the winds.

ancientquills Avatar
A lazy day at the lake (Open) BY ancientquills ON May 29, 2024 1:04:35 GMT

The Endless lake is at the edge of ThunderClan's territory, where the forest opens into a gorgeous scene. The Endless Lake has no shoreline across from where they stand, but it does end if one were to travel a full day around it. The lake is a cool, refreshing water source, and has even tempted some ThunderClanners to get their paws wet for the minnows that swim nearest the shore.

viv Avatar
a long way to go BY viv ON Jul 24, 2024 1:51:14 GMT

The Crescent Field is a small open area where the trees form an almost perfect crescent-shaped clearing - or some of the cats feel like. This area has soft grass and some gentle dips of sand where it is clear two-legs used to come and spend their time. Now abandoned, the clan uses it mostly for training.


SolarisCrescent Avatar

Located between one large hill and two small hills, WindClan's camp is designed with inground dens. These dens were handcrafted by the cats of WindClan, and have emergency exits if need be. Many Cat's of WindClan still tend to sleep beneath the stars and with the hills and a few brushes as coverage, it's doable in almost all seasons.

Riley Avatar
Late night or early morning? [Lilypaw] BY Riley ON Jul 26, 2024 21:53:17 GMT

The rolling hills are located on the opposite side of the river from the Moorlands. It's gentle slops heighten as they go further west. The camp for WindClan is located here, among other creatures - whether prey or predator. Tunnels can be found about from ancient creatures, and have been used as shelter for those who get caught out in the weather.

SolarisCrescent Avatar

A vast Moorland that stretches the length of Windclan, Shadowclan, and RiverClan's territory. The majority of WindClan territory beyond the river is moorland. A lone Spruce stands on it's lonesome here, but beyond that the rabbits and short grass are easy for WindClan to hunt. A lot of training is done here, even if it's closer to spying eyes then they like.


Not nearly as tall as the Ancient Oak, the Old Spruce creaks and groans in its solidary. Separated by a swamp from its fellow trees, the lone moorland tree is a great place for Windclanners to try their paw at climbing. One should be wary not to climb to high as the Owl who lives in the upper most branches isn't too keen on Clan Cats. WindClan has nicknamed the Owl.

Unclaimed Territory

Unclaimed Territory

Five young Maples grow in a perfect circle surrounding a large rock with an underground entrance. When the clans traveled south to explore the territories the group discovered the five maples and knew at once that this was where they were meant to be all along. When the full moon rises and the clan cats gather, the red leaves give off an eerie glow, that reminds the clans that their ancestors are near.

viv Avatar
date night (ft. god) BY viv ON Jul 24, 2024 2:38:38 GMT

The Glowing Cavern is much like the one that used to be in SkyClan's gorge. Now that that cavern in Skyclan's camp has been overrun with water, all clans travel to the Five Maples and enter the cavern in the rock. An eerie soft glow comes from the cavern's entrance and after only a few short paw steps into the underground area, one emerges into an open area where a small stone is covered with glowing moss. The clan cats can rest with one paw touching the stone to enter dreams.

❥ dreamy Avatar

The forest has been united, but it is still divided. All Border boards are located within.


The lands beyond the clans are never ending, and for your feline, it's an adventure waiting to happen. From rolling hills, to vast mountains, to eerie woodlands. It is your time to explore.









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Riley: @everyone I hope everyone is doing okay! Jul 26, 2024 22:03:25 GMT
𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐒: To my North American friends: happy Canada Day (01-JULY: Canada) and Independence Day(04-JULY: USA)! Jul 7, 2024 13:46:57 GMT
speedy: hi :) Jun 21, 2024 3:38:31 GMT
Riley: Hello everyone!! I hope you're all doing well! Jun 19, 2024 0:21:33 GMT
❥ dreamy: hi c: Jun 18, 2024 15:12:07 GMT
𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐒: Hey Jun 18, 2024 13:38:37 GMT
slendy: hello!! Jun 14, 2024 17:22:17 GMT
❥ dreamy: oh that's fair! wasn't sure if it was a plot thing or not c: Jun 10, 2024 23:56:14 GMT
viv: arch would rather he stayed deputy! Jun 10, 2024 23:34:00 GMT
❥ dreamy: Oakfang won't become leader? Jun 10, 2024 23:27:49 GMT
viv: thunderclan leader is open! see more information here fourtofiveclans.proboards.com/thread/511/high-ranks-available Jun 10, 2024 21:11:24 GMT
viv: age ups are due for tomorrow! even if you dont have a character to age up, please post in the thread so we know you're still active! fourtofiveclans.proboards.com/thread/621/age Jun 10, 2024 0:32:30 GMT
Riley: Welcome @maple! Welcome @biry! Jun 6, 2024 3:11:00 GMT
Maple: o/ Jun 5, 2024 14:50:34 GMT
viv: welcome maple! Jun 5, 2024 10:55:03 GMT
slendy: how are we all doing today :) Jun 4, 2024 23:42:47 GMT
chaoticcrow: Hello :) Jun 4, 2024 20:01:22 GMT
Riley: Hello everyone! Jun 4, 2024 19:35:50 GMT
𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐒: Hey! Jun 4, 2024 16:28:39 GMT
slendy: hello! Jun 4, 2024 14:57:27 GMT
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